Tuesday, September 22, 2009

no title... :(

So I’m back after a long time as I was busy with academics etc. of MBA. After all MBA is not an easy job. There are various things I would like to tell you about. So let’s begin:
1. My 1st module exams got over on Friday and with that we all finished 1/6th of MBA :). It felt great also and bit tense too. Tense because from tomorrow (22nd September) company’s pre placement talks are going to start and from 5th October we’ll be having summer intern process. It will be all hectic schedule, at least for 20 days. A fight will start among us. May all win within those crucial 5 days.
2. Few days back I was surfing some astrological site (yes, fortunately or unfortunately I believe in all these things). I was looking at perfect pairs in terms of zodiac signs. It was given that scorpions pair best with Pisces, Aquarius because of common watery nature. Suddenly I started thinking that do people think of all these before falling in love. It’s too weird. I was thinking that if a girl proposes you and you ask her what is your zodiac sign? It sounds so strange.
3. Today, I was looking at some news on net regarding a TV show sach ka saamna which stated that a 32 year old woman committed suicide after watching the show. It happened because the woman correlated her own life with the person in the show. I felt so pity on that woman who destroyed her life just by the influence of a TV show. How can you take decisions of your life by getting influenced from TV shows like this? Even I’m influenced by the movies but only up to certain extent to which I’ll not lose anything in life. After all TV is meant for entertainment and not for destruction.
4. Finally today I got my visiting cards. Actually if you are a member of some forum or committee, then you can have your visiting cards, showing your designation. Since I’m in SPIC MACAY, so I also got the visiting cards. The moment I saw them, it felt so different. It may be a small thing for people having work experience but for me it was like feeling of complete professionalism. I cherished the moments when I used to carry my Dad’s visiting cards in order to influence my friends in school. But today I carry my own tag with me. I’ve come a long way from those sweet childhood memories to professional PG course. Time is changing; people are changing and what not. On this I remember when our English teacher said in the class that:
School days are the golden days. They are never repeated.